2017 Book to Film Adaptations

Books have the amazing capability of transporting us to new worlds due to their imaginative narratives. When adapted to the big screen, films can truly bring to life our favourite characters and add another level of emotional impact.

From true story novels to fantasy ideations, these are some of this year’s book-to-film adaptions that we’re excited about.

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Genre Spotlight: Thriller

When it comes to films, one of the most popular types is the thriller genre; this has brought some of the most sensational films to the big screens. Thrillers always get people at the edge of their seats in a very similar way to horror films, but it’s the suspense and excitement that thrillers offer to the audience that makes them so watchable.

So, what makes a good thriller film? And why are they so popular across the world? Well, we at Cine2DVD transfers love everything film related, so we’ll be more than happy to answer these questions for you.

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The Top 5 Christmas Films You Need to Watch Right Now

Christmas means many different things to many different people, but for the vast majority of us, it’s an excuse to eat and drink as much as possible and watch classic movies. There have been plenty of movies specifically dedicated to Christmas over the years, and while some are a mixed bag, the genre has produced some of the finest films in existence.

Here are five classics that you truly haven’t lived until you’ve seen – fire up your TV, DVD player or make use of Cine2DVD Transfers and enjoy.

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The Tools and Techniques Used in Animated Films

Animated films are something that all ages can enjoy. Contrary to many people’s opinions, animation is far from something that is limited to children’s shows and films.

In fact, there are a variety of different animation techniques which are used to create specific types of animation, but each can be utilised in a variety of different ways to create almost any themes; from happy, go lucky feature length, to hard-hitting emotional shorts.

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The Differences Between Film and Digital Formats in Hollywood Films

With the technological advances in the 20th century, it’s not hard to see that digital formats are overtaking the original film format when it comes to producing Hollywood blockbuster film.

In the 20th century, all films were produced using the film format but with televisions and cameras becoming clearer, the necessity for digital filming is a must. But what is the difference between film and digital formats when it comes to producing a film? Continue reading

Virtual Reality: The Next Step in Cinema Magic?

Virtual reality has been on the rise in the past few years, especially in gaming. Headsets for this technology have evolved considerably and its popularity grown; what used to be simply a sci-fi technology has become real and affordable.

But what could virtual reality mean for cinema? The imaginary and the fictional have enraptured audiences for centuries, and virtual reality would allow us to take the next step and actually be part of the fictional worlds we love so much.

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Top Halloween Films for the Family

October is upon us and that means everyone is thinking about Halloween. Costumes are in the shops, adverts are on the TV and it’s also a big time for filmmakers. However, not all Halloween films are 18+ scare-fests, there’s a lot of Halloween films that are aimed directly at the family, and that doesn’t mean they’re just for kids! Continue reading

The Best Films of 2016 So Far

We are coming very close to the end of 2016 and what a year it has been so far for those in Hollywood! There have been some truly fantastic films released so far this year and, who knows, maybe another smash hit could occur in the next few months. To remind you of how fantastic this year’s films have been, we’ve chosen a small selection of our favourite films of 2016 so far. Continue reading